Belatedly; Neophile S2, episodes 8 & 9
Ah, the dangers of being a small studio and recording on a fortnight-by-fortnight basis – episode 8 is a full 2 weeks late. As a result, you get a double drop of episodes 8 and 9 in one go! Follow Kasey James and Deacon as they descend into another set of caves and cross an…
Wake Up!
Episode 18 of the Neophile podcast – Season 2, Episode 7 – is live! In this one, Kasey goes on a train trip inspired by that scene from Spirited Away, and has an encounter with a white rabbit. She comes away with a great many questions, and does not get nearly enough answers. But Deacon…
Sleeping Beauty is a Revenant
That’s just what happens when your heart is missing. You know how it is, anything could crawl inside and walk your body around… Totally finae and normal. As is a forest of stone and metal trees in the basement. Fine. And. Normal. In episode 6 of season 2 (episode 17 in total), kasey and Deacon…
Draconum Imprint
We’re branching out! We now have an official imprint – which is to say, we’re not just an audio production company anymore, we’re now a publisher, in print, digital, and audio. Keep an eye on our publications page, as there will be new products coming out every few months!
Episode 5 of season 2 (or episode 16 if you’re counting from the beginning) contains a creepy house in the countryside, a silent butler, a magic mirror, and guest voice acting from Jonathan Durnford (as Deacon), Lee Goldsworthy (as Constable Delaney) and Kai Frost (as Tonner Morris). It also contains a rather disturbing book, and…
Turned to stone? Really?
Episode 4 of season 2 (episode 15, if you’re counting from the beginning) is now live! Come and join Kasey and Deacon as they explore the labyrinthine tunnels under the sunken chapel – and by explore, we mean attempt to escape during a minor earthquake. We find signs that Keziah Gilman has been here before…
The Seven Hundred and Seventy Stairs
A hidden chapel, sunken into the stone and dirt of the woods, containing only darkness and sentient bees. Or does it contain more? Kasey really would like to know, and preferably not by finding out the hard way. Ideally, she wouldn’t have to find seven hundred and seventy stairs to descend first either, but.. well.…
Happy solstice, and a new episode!
Just in time (actually a day late) for the summer solstice here int he Southern hemisphere, an episode set on midsummer’s day. In this one, Kasey begins to question both her sanity and her reality, after discovering that the cave in her possibly-dream isn’t there at all. Then, she finds that some of the people…