Modren the Betrayer: A Shadowsverse Story

Ebook version (EPUB format) of Modren the Betrayer, a story set in the Shadowsverse of the Red Dragon and Black Dragon trilogies, by Danielle Linder. All prices listed are in Australian $


There are no villains born, only made by circumstance.

Modren fab Gwyar was a man grown, a full nineteen summers of age, when he first met incontrovertible proof of the supernatural.

And barely a hundred years later, when lord Yder de Bertilak pulled him aside at a gathering and gave him the name of one of the Aogun’s guards, a man he knew, if not well, he nodded, blank faced and ashamed. He killed the man, as quick and painless as he could, and hid the body.

DRM-free EPUB format e-book of Modren the Betrayer, a story set in the Shadowsverse of the Red Dragon and Black Dragon trilogies, by Danielle Linder.

All prices listed are in Australian $