Tag: Yarthe

  • Jenny In The Mist cover image

    Tales from Yarthe

    The world of Yarthe was always intended to be one fullof stories – a place where dragons hunt the skies and seas (and become the protagonists of their own stories), where wizards and warlocks explore the fringes of magic and pirates sail the skies in airships powered by technomancer technologies and captive ghosts. There is…


  • Campaign Complete

    And the Kickstarter Campaign is done (or all but done – there are 3 and a half hours to go). It’s been a rollercoaster. On the up-side, we have 88 backers, which is amazing! The number has flucuated a bit, with people joining at the last minute and other people cancelling their pledges (absolutely their…


  • Draconum’s first Kickstarter!

    Ah, the joys of technology. This update was meant to go out on May 2nd, but for reasons which are not clear to anyone here, it failed to do so. Better late than never, though… We have a new project, live (currently live, with 2 days to go – but there will be a preorder…
